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Community Water Drainage

When it rains in Milton Bight all the water flows down the hill into a single ditch. If the rain is significant the ditch overflows flooding the community with trash a sewage. Sometimes it's a couple of inches other times it's a couple of feet.

The poorest parts of the community impacted most. It's common for the water to flood their homes until the rain stops and it eventually subsides.

Drainage has been a challenge for a long time but it is a solvable problem. Humanity's Friend is focusing on a project in 2024 to work with the community to create a solution. We will employ people who live in the community to do the work and use recycled tires from the island to earth form around the ditch.

When completed the water will be able to flow more quickly through the community and reduce the flooding.

Community Water Drainage

Preventing flooding in the local community
