Sponsor a Doctor

Let's Make a Healthcare Accessible.

You can make an impact

Creating sustainable clinics

When you look at healthcare in poor communities around the world, then typically fall into one of two categories.

They are high quality but are too expensive for most of the community to access.

When you look at healthcare in poor communities around the world, then typically fall into one of two categories.

  1. They are high quality but are too expensive for most of the community to access.
  2. They are low cost enough to be accessible but struggle to sustain quality care because of this margins.

What if there was another option?

How do you change the game so clinics can operate with sustainable impact? What if you could take talent off the balance sheet for the clinic?

That's exactly what we're doing through the Sponsor a Doctor program.

sponsor a doctor

Available for sponsorship

Doctors serving the needy.

Dr. Andrea Zelaya
's Story
Dr. Maverick Hernandez
's Story

A little goes a long way

You can sponsor a doctor today.

When you sponsor a doctor you are putting quality healthcare within reach to people who previously had no access.

For $2,800 / month you can sponsor a doctor to work at a clinic serving a vulnerable community.
